Unlock Exclusive Savings: Join In Our Loyalty Program Today
How It Works: Way to earn Points
If you have an existing account with firstaiddistributions.com.au, congratulations – you're already enrolled in our Loyalty Program! If not, signing up is a breeze.
Every in-store purchase earns you loyalty points. Just make sure your email is on file with us. If not, our attentive staff is here to assist, ensuring you maximise the rewards from every transaction.
Like our Social Media Pages - Earn 10 points
Spend and Score - $1 spent = 1 point
Friend Referrals - Recommend us and get 100 points when they purchase
Share Your Thoughts - Write a review and earn 5 points
Join the Community - Create an account and receive 10 points.
10,000+ small business owners trust us as their go-to solution.
Why A Loyalty Program?
key features of the program
200 Points: unlock a 5% discount on your subsequent purchase, amplifying your savings.
200 Points: Opt for free shipping, ensuring your orders arrive at your doorstep without any added charge.
330 Points: Claim our premium snakebite kit at no cost, fortifying your protection during outdoor activities.
400 Points: Secure a 10% discount on your purchase, presenting considerable cost reductions.
1000 Points: Obtain our model 15 First aid kit for free, a holistic solution catering to your diverse first aid requirements.